Namibian Agricultural Trade ForumNamibian Agricultural Trade ForumNamibian Agricultural Trade Forum
(Mon - Fri)
30 David Hosea Meroro Road, Windhoek
Namibian Agricultural Trade ForumNamibian Agricultural Trade ForumNamibian Agricultural Trade Forum

Regional Economic Communities

Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are an attribute of regional integration. Regional integration is a process in which states enter into a regional agreement in order to enhance regional cooperation, development and intra-regional trade through regional institutions and rules. This section provides a list of RECs that Namibia is participating.

Southern African Customs Union

Namibia is a member of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), which is the oldest customs union in the world. The other members of SACU are:Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland.

Southern African Customs Union
Southern African Customs Union

These countries maintain a common external tariff against trade with the rest of the world. Thus, there is free movement of goods within the Union. In addition, the members of the Union also share customs revenue and coordinate policies and decision-making on a wide range of trade issues.

The 2002 SACU Agreement requires the SACU countries to act as a block in negotiations with third parties. The SACU member states are also in the process of rationalising the Agreement by establishing the relevant institutions and developing common industrial, agriculture and competition policies to facilitate development and trade in the region.

2002 SACU Agreement

The objectives of this Agreement are:

  1. to facilitate the cross-border movement of goods between the territories of the Member States;
  2. to create effective, transparent and democratic institutions which will ensure equitable trade benefits to Member States;
  3. to promote conditions of fair competition in the Common Customs Area;
  4. to substantially increase investment opportunities in the Common Customs Area;
  5. to enhance the economic development, diversification, industrialization and competitiveness of Member States; 
  6. to promote the integration of Member States into the global economy through enhanced trade and investment;
  7. to facilitate the equitable sharing of revenue arising from customs, excise and additional duties levied by Member States; and
  8. to facilitate the development of common policies and strategies.

SACU Customs Policy

The core principles underpinning Risk Management in the region include:

  1. Establishing a legal basis for implementation of and cooperation in intelligence based Risk management in SACU;
  2. Development of a Regional Risk Management approach to target priority risk sectors in SACU;
  3. Enhancing Mutual Administrative Assistance between the SACU Customs Administrations to support Risk Management; and promote cooperation, communication and intelligence and risk information sharing amongst the SACU Customs administrations;
  4. Establish mechanisms for cooperation in risk information sharing for customs enforcement;
  5. Undertaking Joint customs enforcement operations and controls between Member States Customs Administrations; and
  6. Development of a Regional Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme in SACU.

SACU Common External Tariff

SACU countries impose a common external tariff for products originating from outside the customs union. The document below contains the current tariffs imposed on all goods indicated by general, EU, EFTA and SADC tariffs

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)