Namibian Agricultural Trade ForumNamibian Agricultural Trade ForumNamibian Agricultural Trade Forum
(Mon - Fri)
30 David Hosea Meroro Road, Windhoek
Namibian Agricultural Trade ForumNamibian Agricultural Trade ForumNamibian Agricultural Trade Forum

Namibian strategic documents

This category is focused on policies, other documents that guide the management, regulation and strategic direction the agriculture sector within Namibia. Although the it is primarily focused on the agriculture sector, other related policies that have an impact on the sector will also be provided.

New levies for Agronomic Products

By way of Government Gazette 5681, the Namibian Government has introduced a 5% levy on the importation of white maize, wheat and pearl millet into Namibia. In addition, all importers, producers and millers will pay a levy of 1.4%. The levies are to be collected by the Agro-Marketing and Trade Agency.

New levies for certain controlled agronomic products

The Namibian Government has introduced amendments to Government Notice 147 of 30 August 2002. The amendments relate to the imposition of general levies for certain controlled agronomic products under the Agronomic Industry Act 20 of 1992

Namibia's Industrial Policy

As encapsulated in Namibia’s Vision 2030, Namibia should be an industrialised country, developed by her human resources, enjoying peace, harmony and political stability. Namibia’s Industrial Policy outlines the specific principles, vision, aims and objectives that will guide Namibia efforts towards industrialisation. It should be noted that the policy spans across a wide range of stakeholders, including Government Ministries and Agencies and the private sector.

Industrial development is recognised as a shared responsibility between the Government and the private sector through smart partnership. The Industrial Policy has prioritised these policy principles as requiring particular attention:

  • Incentives for industrialisation
  • Small business development
  • Skills 
  • Innovation, research and development
  • Financing 
  • Regional integration

Growth at Home Strategy

“Growth at Home” is the theme chosen by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to reinforce the importance of accelerating economic growth, reducing income inequality and increasing employment. The theme subsequently became a strategy adopted by Government for implementing Namibia’s first Industrial Policy and to attain the strategic objectives for manufacturing as outlined in the 4th National Development Plan. 
The strategy emphasizes industrialization, manufacturing and value addition. It aims to develop value chains that are based on raw materials available in Namibia. 

National Agricultural Policy

The National Agricultural Policy highlights the vision, policies and strategic directives for the development of the Namibian agriculture sector. Since the Policy was adopted in 1995, it is currently under review. The revised Policy will be made available as soon as it is adopted. 

The current overall goal of the National Agricultural Policy is to increase and sustain the levels of agricultural productivity, real farm incomes and national and household food security, within the context of Namibia’s fragile ecosystem

Namibia Food Safety Policy

The aim of the Policy is to ensure food safety for all consumers in the Republic of Namibia, and provide sufficient food safety guarantees on all food products traded nationally or exported to other countries.

The aim of the Policy is to ensure food safety for all consumers in the Republic of Namibia, and provide sufficient food safety guarantees on all food products traded nationally, or exported to other countries

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)